Offerte di lavoro
Prima di applicare ad una offerta di lavoro presso l’IRB, si consiglia di leggere:
Having an outstanding CV is a very good start but is not sufficient to be short listed for an interview, and is definitely not enough per se to get the position your are applying for. Your motivation and career plan are crucial and will be of high impact on the success of your application.
In your motivation letter, which has to be written in English, you need to clearly demonstrate why you want to join the IRB and this group of research in particular. Your application should also contain the e-mail addresses of at least two referees.
If you intend to join the IRB, you should wonder not only what the Institute will bring to you but also what You will bring to the Institute. We ask you not only to be self-critical but also to be scientifically critical with your future team. The Institute is looking for good Scientists not for tasks executors.
Working efficiently is more expected than working hard, even if one does not exclude the other and vice versa.
If finally you have the chance to be short listed for an interview, please prepare it. Look all over our website to know the environment surrounding the research group you are applying to, read their last publications, current projects and research networks; study the core facilities available at the Institute. Even if in the job advertisement you have only a few sentences describing your future project, start to think about it, how you would approach it.
In short, applying at the IRB should not be one of the X applications you are writing and sending. Instead, it should be thoroughly prepared.
Per le applicazioni al Programma di Dottorato non ci sono particolari scadenze: contattare direttamente il Direttore del laboratorio a cui si è interessati mandando il CV e spiegando chiaramente le motivazioni per svolgere un dottorato e il perché della scelta di una linea di ricerca, tutto in inglese.
Servizio civile
La posizione di assistente di ricerca presso uno dei gruppi dell’Istituto di Ricerca in Biomedicina (IRB) permette al civilista di poter assistere attivamente dottorandi e post-dottorati in svariati progetti di ricerca. I compiti svolti dal civilista e il grado di autonomia dipendono soprattutto dal suo titolo di studio e dall’esperienza raccolta sinora. Questi possono riguardare semplici procedure di base standard come mantentimento di culture cellulari, PCR o preparazione di reagenti oppure l’utilizzo di macchinari e tecniche più complesse come citometria di flusso.
L’IRB mira a creare un ambiente vivace, collaborativo e inclusivo, dove le persone si dedicano in modo sicuro e libero alle discussioni scientifiche e alle scoperte. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, le interazioni tra tutti i membri della comunità dell’IRB dovrebbero essere sempre basate sul rispetto reciproco. L’IRB non tollererà alcun comportamento inappropriato che offenda l’integrità personale, la dignità personale e che ostacoli le pari opportunità. Molestie, bullismo, discriminazioni, atteggiamenti minacciosi e violenza sono tutti comportamenti inaccettabili a tutti i livelli di occupazione e chi commette tali atti ne affronterà le conseguenze, indipendentemente dallo status o dalla posizione. Anche le ritorsioni contro le persone che agiscono in buona fede non saranno tollerate.
Se si dovesse subire un qualsiasi comportamento inappropriato, si prega di segnalarlo. Per ulteriori informazioni, consultate il vostro supervisore o le Risorse Umane. L’IRB è a vostra disposizione e vi sosterrà.
Piano per la parità di genere
L’Istituto di Ricerca in Biomedicina mira a stabilire una cultura del rispetto, a promuovere la diversità e a migliorare le pari opportunità.
Posizioni aperte
There are currently no job vacancies. Please check the website at a later date for any future vacancies.
About IRB
The Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB, Bellinzona, Switzerland) is a leading center for basic and translational research in immunology. IRB offers competitive salaries and working conditions at all levels in a dynamic, multicultural environment, and is an equal opportunity employer.
IRB is located in the town of Bellinzona in Ticino, Switzerland, offering exceptional quality of life and exciting recreational activities, including hiking, climbing and swimming, as well as cultural activities. It is within close proximity of Locarno, Lugano and the Italian cities of Como and Milano. Although located in the Italian part of Switzerland, English is the main working language.
Artificial Intelligence applied to antibody discovery
The Computational Structural Biology laboratory at IRB Bellinzona, led by Andrea Cavalli, is looking for a dedicated and highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to work on the development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) to the study of immune response. The position offers a unique opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research applying large language models (LLMs) for antibody discovery.
Funding and Duration
The project is funded by a Sinergia grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and will be carried out in a laboratory affiliated to the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB). Preferred starting date is 6/2024. The position is for 36 months.
Our international team will welcome candidates:
We offer
Interested candidates are kindly requested to send an application containing a cover letter (1 page), CV (1 page), summary of previous research (1 page), and the contact information of two professional references to:
The Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB, is a leading center for basic and translational research in immunology. The IRB’s thirteen research groups have interests ranging from understanding basic mechanisms of immunity to the role of the immune system in health and disease, as well as DNA repair and rare diseases.
As part of the IRB’s strategic development, after a successful recruitment during 2023, we are inviting applications for a Group Leader position. We seek outstanding scientists to complement the current research at the Institute while expanding to new research areas. The successful candidate will be an early- or mid-career scientist who will establish research programs employing innovative approaches to investigate biomedically relevant questions related to immunology and/or adjacent disciplines. These may include, but are not limited to:
Your qualifications
Our offer
We look forward to receiving your application by June 1, 2024 as a single PDF, including: (i) curriculum vitae, (ii) list of publications, (iii) names and contact details of three references, (iv) brief description of research accomplishments (one half page), (v) explanation of why you have chosen your area of focus (one half page), and (vi) description of future research focus (3 pages for initial plans, 1 page for long-term vision).
We are an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, sex, national origin, or any other characteristic. Please send your application to: Applications sent to different contacts, in other formats, or after the deadline, will not be considered. For scientific questions related to the position, please contact the IRB director, Davide Robbiani (
The laboratory of Immunobiology at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB, Bellinzona, Switzerland) is recruiting a highly motived postdoctoral to work at the interface between Cell Biology and Immunology. Our research focus on understanding the mechanisms of pathogen-derived antigens presentation by the non-classical HLA-E and consequent recognition by CD8+ T lymphocytes.
For additional information on the laboratory of Immunobiology / Dr. Caroline Junqueira, please visit:
Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree with less than 3 years of postdoctoral experience and expertise in immunology, cell biology, biochemistry, or molecular biology.
Applications for the position should include a CV, one page of research accomplishments, and contact information of two professional references. For more information/applications please contact Dr. Caroline Junqueira ( Please write “Postdoc application” and the applicant’s name in the email subject heading.
We invite postdoctoral fellows to express their interest in working at the IRB through support by the Swiss National Science Foundation competitive funding-scheme
Applicants from anywhere in the world can apply to obtain a four-years grant to conduct, manage and lead an independent project at a Swiss institution (more info).
General eligibility criteria
IRB Application
Eligible candidates are invited to apply by sending to our Grant Office Team (
The applications will be pre-screened and the candidates with positive evaluation will be contacted by the relevant Group Leader for the next steps.
Deadline for the IRB application: August 23, 2024
We invite (prospective) postdoctoral fellows to express their interest in working at the IRB through support by the Swiss National Science Foundation competitive funding-scheme
Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF)
Applicants from anywhere in the world can apply to obtain a 12-24 month fellowship in Switzerland (more info).
General eligibility criteria
IRB Application
Eligible candidates are invited to apply by sending to our Grant Office Team (
The applications will be pre-screened and the candidates with positive evaluation will be contacted by the relevant Group Leader for the next steps.
Deadline for the IRB application: September 30, 2024
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