Via Francesco Chiesa 5
6500 Bellinzona, Switzerland
Santiago F. González has been nominated extraordinary professor at USI in 2022. He holds two PhD degrees, one in microbiology from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and one in immunology from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). From January 2007 to September 2011, he was a postdoc in the group of Michael Carroll at the Immune Disease Institute, Harvard Medical School, in Boston (USA). He has been awarded three EU Marie Curie Fellowships: the “Training Site Fellowship” in 2004, the “International Outgoing Fellowship” in 2008 and the “Career Integration Grant” in 2013 which allowed him to establish his group at the IRB. During his work at the IRB, he had characterized the inflammatory reaction that occurs in the lymph node using different models that include metastatic tumors, vaccination or infection caused by different respiratory viruses. In addition, he has characterized the mechanism by which the cells of the immune systems recognize influenza virus. He has published his work in high impact factors journals including Science advances, Cell reports, Nature vaccines or Nature Microbiology.
* SIGN-R1 responsible of influenza virus recognition
* Così il virus dell’influenza può essere bloccato appena entra
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