The Facility provides state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise for a variety of Mass Spec-based proteomic applications, such as:
- Shotgun bottom-up proteomics
- Pulsed SILAC labeling
- Secretomics
- Exosomal proteomics
- MHC immunopeptidomics
- IP analysis
- Sulfhydryl redox state analysis
The Facility provides standard sample preparation pipelines but is also available to adapt or implement new procedures for the specific needs of a user. For this, the facility works in close contact with multiple research groups at IRB, IOR , EOC and with external collaboration partners, in order to design the most appropriate pipeline for every project. The Facility follows the regulations of a BSL2 laboratory.
The Facility is also engaged in their own research to develop new techniques and tools to keep increasing their skillset and offer.